Caroling for Fair Trade

Tim Newman, Campaigns Assistant, International Labor Rights Forum

As the holiday season kicks in to high gear, Global Exchange is sponsoring a fun Fair Trade Holiday Caroling action.  You can check out their website to download an toolkit complete with your favorite holiday songs re-written with a fair trade twist.  They are also asking people to sign New Year's Resolutions to buy fair trade gifts for their loved ones this year. 

Earlier in the year, Global Exchange asked supporters to send them their own fair trade carols and some of them ended up in the Fair Trade Holiday Caroling toolkit and on the Global Exchange website.  Among the carols are ones by ILRF supporters Michael Komba and Dartanian Lewis ("Cocoa Beans" and "Out on a Plantation") and Olivia and Tereza Coraggio ("Jingle Sells" and "I'm Dreaming of a Fair Trade Christmas")

Happy Holidays and don't forget to make your holiday fair trade and worker friendly!

