An Increase in Labor Union Participation Promising For the Economy

It is precisely this lack of union membership that is preventing our country from rebounding from this economic crisis. Robert B. Reich, former U.S. Secretary of Labor during Bill Clinton’s administration, published an Op-Ed in the Los Angeles Times titled "The union way up" that states his belief that the way out of an economic recession could be relieved by increasing the number and the influential power of labor unions. He states that the ability to negotiate for higher wages increases disposable incomes, which thereby elevates ones’ ability to purchase goods and services. This increased desire to make purchases paves the way for new jobs to be created. This combination of jobs and spending and higher wages have been voiced as the answer to the economic recession by many political officials, however many do not realize that the membership in unions is what drives this process. Robert Reich does not discredit the idea of tax cuts, however he states that higher wages and benefits for the middle class in particular are more lasting over time. Many often focus on throwing money at a problem, which at times is often a good solution. But Reich and many other supporters of unions highlight the possibility for economic turnaround via increased membership of unions.

Our current economic problem is a desperate one indeed, and there are numerous solutions that have been voiced. One probable resolution is an increase in support for labor unions, which should run concurrently with other economic relief efforts. The statistics from the Bureau are very promising; however there must be a continued effort to maintain labor unions, not only for the benefits of the workers but for the country as well.