Let's get back to work and confirm Hilda Solis

I think the last election showed that folks in the US think enough is enough.  That's exactly why a handful of corporate profiteers and a handful of their buddies in Congress are grasping at any straws to cling to power -- including holding up Solis' confirmation.  Even the New York Times Editorial Board is chanting "Hilda! Hilda! Hilda!" and arguing that we need to grow union membership in the US because "strong labor unions help to push wages up by bargaining for more of the
pie to go for workers’ wages, rather than for bonuses and profits for
executives and shareholders."  Workers in the US and our brothers and sisters abroad can't wait around anymore for the US Department of Labor to get back on its feet with strong leadership.

So what we have to do is remind these folks that the people spoke for change in November and we're tired of waiting.  SEIU and Move On and many others have sent out new action alerts today related to Solis' confirmation.